which version of visual studio

11-05-2007, 06:55 AM
Hello Dear
I have NR C++ second Edition. it runs on Microsoft Visual Studio 6.
Now I'd like to know if NR3 runs on Microsoft Visual Studio 6 or on Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
Is there C# versions in NR3?:confused:

Best Regards

Bill Press
11-05-2007, 06:15 PM
NR3 has been tested on both Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio 2005 -- runs fine on both.
Sorry, there is no C# version.

11-02-2008, 06:58 PM
Hi: I am a newbie. I do I load NR routines into Visual Studio Professional 2008? I referred to

#include "gamma.h"
#include "incgammabeta.h"

int main()

But the compiler had difficulty reading the files gamma.h and incgammabeta.h. Please help :(